Sometimes you need to start over with your lawn, and sometimes you want to build your lawn the way you want it. Both are perfectly good reasons to learn about preparing, seeding, and sodding your lawn. The good news is we’re here to help with all three!
How Often Should You Water Grass Seeds? Watering Lawn Seed Tips
Let’s figure out together what type of grass you have, how much water your lawn needs, and how to water your lawn correctly.
Can I Put Starter Fertilizer on New Sod?
When you put down new sod, there are two essential things. First, new sod needs food and water. Here is how to do it correctly.
Topsoil vs Garden Soil for Grass: Which is Better?
The best strategy is to choose topsoil for your grass. Also, here is how you can fix your lawn and create a beautiful backyard.
Can You Overseed Dead Sod?
Nothing is lost! Here is how you can save the day and overseed dead sod. Not an easy task, but possible. Here is all you need to know.
7 Centipede Grass Problems You Might Be Having
In this guide, we will be looking at seven of the most common centipede grass problems and telling you what you can do about them.
Do Grass Seeds Need to Be Buried?
Burying grass seeds is essential for a few reasons. If you don’t want to end up with wasted seeds and a lousy lawn, go through our quick guide on everything you should know about this topic.
How Can I Tell If My Grass Seeds Have Died?
Let’s be honest; this is not so easy as it seems. In this post, we listed several essential things you need to focus on if you want to know if your grass seeds died.
Do Grass Seeds Die in the Cold?
Before you take action, here is all you need to know about how grass seeds behave in cold weather. And what you can do about it.
Why Is My Newly Sown Grass Turning Yellow?
Not sure how your grass ended up turning yellow? Go through this post where we share with you 6 most common reasons why this is happening.