Indoor plants can brighten up any home and make all of the residents of that home a lot happier.
Let’s face it, taking care of plants is a great way to relax and take life a little easier, which all of us could use.
Indoor plants known as climbers are extremely popular, and they adorn many a kitchen and living room in millions of homes all over the globe.
Not only are climbing indoor plants attractive, they tend to be easy to grow as well, which makes them the perfect household plants regardless of what type of plants you like.
The truth is, there are dozens of climbing plants that you can choose to decorate the inside of your home, and most of them are very inexpensive to buy. Climbing plants can also get quite long, but it’s fun to see them wrapped around the window frames or the bookshelves of your home. These plants add a touch of elegance and pizzazz to any home, and below are 17 of the most-popular climbing plants available.
1. Arrowhead Plant

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum
The Arrowhead plant lends a touch of ambiance to any room it’s in because it is very elegant and classy.
It prefers moderate watering and bright sunlight. The main thing you have to watch is overwatering because this can kill the roots of the plant.
When you water it, make sure you always let the soil dry out completely before you water it again.
Rather than watering the plant every certain number of days, just wait until the soil is nice and dry before watering it again.
In case you’re already wondering – yes, the leaves of this plant do indeed look like arrowheads!
2. Betel Leaf Plant

Botanical Name: Piper betle
Very popular in parts of South and East Asia, this plant is actually an herb from the pepper family.
It has both culinary and medicinal uses and can even be used outside if you wish. Just make sure that the plant receives partial sun and that it doesn’t get too dry outside.
If you live in an area that experiences a little bit of humidity, in other words, the Betel leaf plant should do very well.
This perennial herb has deep-green leaves that are the perfect shape and give any room it’s in a very elegant look.
3. Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Botanical Name: Thunbergia alata
These climbing vines are amazing and can be either perennials or annuals, depending on what the climate is like where you live.
They are flowering plants that immediately add a touch of color to any room they’re in, adding some beauty along the way.
They are not gold and black like regular Black-eyed Susan flowers, but instead a delicate pink that look gorgeous wherever you put them.
To grow the Black-eyed Susan vine, make sure you keep it near a window where it can get a lot of sun, which it needs to thrive.
4. Creeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila
This creeping plant has gorgeous dark-green foliage and grows slowly but vigorously.
It is a clinging plant with dense branches and which adheres to any surface. This means you can place it in various locations throughout your home and it is guaranteed to look amazing.
When watering the Creeping fig plant, be careful not to overwater it and in fact, it’s best if you wait until the soil is completely dry before you water it again.
5. English Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera helix
Ivies are particularly easy to grow and remain green even during the winter months.
They grow fast and can adapt to all sorts of light conditions. For the best results, you should plant English ivy in a pot that is shallow and wide, not deep and narrow.
If you can find a spot that gets a lot of bright indirect sunlight, that’s where you need to put it.
The foliage is always beautiful and there is little you can do to destroy this plant.
6. Forest Cactus

Botanical Name: Lepismium bolivianum
This type of cactus is native to the Bolivian forests and is a great houseplant because of its sturdiness.
In addition to this feature, it also has thick stems that are bright green in color and tiny flowers that grow in either pink or white.
If you want to add a little color to your living room or kitchen, the Forest cactus is definitely worth considering.
Instead of wide leaves, the leaves of the Forest cactus are long and slender, which makes the plant look like a falling cascade once it’s planted in a hanging basket or other such container.
7. Grape Ivy

Botanical Name: Cissus rhombifolia / Cissus striata
The Cissus striata is a miniature grape ivy, and both are super easy to grow.
Nevertheless, there are some things you have to watch out for, one of them being they do not do well in low-light conditions.
They also cannot be overwatered because it can destroy the roots of the plant. That being said, if you water the Grape ivy moderately and make sure it gets lots of light, it should give you many years of pleasure.
Grape ivies are indeed a beautiful addition to anyone’s kitchen or living room.
8. Green Coins

Botanical Name: Peperomia “Pepperspot.”
The Peperomia varieties are plentiful and, therefore, you can try various ones to decide which one you like best.
The plant called Green Coins has beautiful reddish-brown stems and tiny flowers that are an unusual shade of red on the backside of each flower.
While several of the climbing plants on this list are colorful, this one has a unique shade of red that is guaranteed to catch the attention of everyone who sees it.
It is indeed a delightful plant to have in your home.
9. Heartleaf Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum
One of the things that makes this plant so popular is how easy it is to grow.
Because of this, it’s great for beginners or people who only have a little bit of experience growing indoor plants.
In fact, with the Heartleaf philodendron, it’s nearly impossible not to be successful at growing the plant.
To make things even easier for you, this plant only needs a moderate amount of light to grow and thrive, which means it doesn’t need to be taken outside and put in the direct sun.
In addition to all of this, the leaves are gorgeous because they have many shades of green in them.
10. Hoya

Botanical Name: Hoya spp
Hoya plants are easy to grow because they can tolerate dry air and don’t need to be watered a lot, but their main claim to fame is that they have foliage that is beautiful and waxy and flowers that are very fragrant, meaning they can make the entire room smell fantastic.
The trailing stems are roughly a foot long and have lots of clusters of flowers that both look great and smell great.
The plants are also very forgiving if you forget to water them occasionally, mostly because they don’t need a lot of water to begin with.
11. Inch Plant

Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
The Inch plant is also called the Purple Heart or the Wandering Jew, and you can grow it either in a hanging basket or a pot.
The trailing stems are gorgeous and have a zebra-like pattern on the foliage, with just a hint of purple in an otherwise beautiful green plant.
If you keep the plant in a location where it gets only a little light, it will still grow but the markings on the foliage may fade.
The leaves are slightly oval in shape and the combination of green with a touch of purple looks just right regardless of where you decide to plant it.
Just remember that it’s best to make sure the plant gets a lot of indirect sunlight.
12. Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum
While not all Jasmine plants can grow indoors, many of them can.
They are a very fragrant vine that needs a few hours of direct sunlight every day.
The best part is, there are many varieties of Jasmine, so regardless of where you live, you should be able to find one that suits your lifestyle and your home.
If you live in a colder area, the Jasminum polyanthum is a good one to try. Most of the species that fall under this plant grow best in warm climates, so Jasmines can accommodate nearly every area across the globe.
Typically, Jasmine has dark-green leaves and beautiful tiny white flowers, so they both look great and smell great.
13. Kangaroo Vine

Botanical Name: Cissus Antarctica
The Kangaroo vine is a thick plant that grows especially well in bright light.
One trait that makes it rather unique is its copper-colored leaves, which turn to a dark glossy leaf once the plant starts to age.
Unlike most climbing plants, this one has a little bit of color to it and, therefore, lends some uniqueness to whatever room you include it in.
In addition to this trait, the large leaves of the Kangaroo vine are notched on the edges and not smooth.
This lends some ambiance to the plant that causes a lot of people to turn their heads and give the plant a second look.
14. Pilea

Botanical Name: Pilea
Any plants found in the Pilea genus make great houseplants.
They have a delightful dangling nature that makes them look elegant and leaves that are true head-turners.
If you’re interested in this type of plant, some great vine varieties that are perfect for houseplants include Baby Tears, Creeping Charlie, and Gray Baby Tears, among others.
The leaves are tiny but unique just the same, and they dangle elegantly over the sides of a hanging basket or a large plant container.
They make a great addition to any living room or kitchen.
15. String of Nickels

Botanical Name: Dischidia nummularia
As soon as you see this plant, you’ll know how it got its name.
It has fleshy foliage that stands out and leaves that are round and look like coins.
Its cascading vines are guaranteed to add some pizzazz to any room it’s in, and it grows so easily you can even grow it in hanging baskets if you like.
The small coin-like leaves are bright green in color and make any room look even better.
However you decide to grow it, you won’t regret choosing the String of Nickels plants.
16. String of Pearls

Botanical Name: Senecio rowleyanus
Because of the way this plant has to be handled while you’re growing it, it can be a little more difficult to grow than many other climbing plants.
The String of Pearls is a succulent and can, therefore, tolerate drought, so it’s perfect for people who live in the Southwest and other dry areas.
In addition, it also does well when you expose it to a lot of bright light.
It may be a bit of a challenge to grow at first, but you’ll love growing it once you get used to it.
It goes by this name because of its tiny round leaves, which look just like small green pearls.
17. Wax Ivy

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus
This is an evergreen climbing variety of the Senecio plant. It is similar to English ivy except it is a succulent.
The Wax ivy has glossy foliage that is pointed in shape and stems that are flexible, making it a very attractive plant indeed.
In fact, everyone who visits you will notice your Wax ivy climbing plants!
If you want just a basic ivy plant that is easy to grow and looks great in your home, you can’t go wrong with this one.
In Summary
One thing is sure: if you’re looking for a great-looking clinging plant for your kitchen or living room, you won’t have far to look.
Most of the plants on this list are easy to grow and are versatile enough to be grown in hanging baskets, pots, or various other plant containers.
If you want to make your home look better by adding plants, these are some you can start with.