How Close Can Birdboxes Be?


In general, it is advisable that bird boxes are roughly 60-80 feet apart. Many birds are territorial (especially around mating time), most notably the robin, the blue tit, and the cardinal. As a result, by having them too close together, you may be left with an unoccupied bird box!

This being said, some birds may live near each other peacefully; it all depends on the types of birds, as well as their individual temperaments.

You can always give it a try and see how it goes. You can also increase the odds that the boxes will get used; all that you need is a bit of know-how! 

Can Bird Boxes Be Near Each Other?

60-80 feet apart birdbox
60-80 feet apart

Can bird boxes be near each other? In general, the answer to this is no. Birds can be quite territorial, and this goes doubly during mating and nesting season (which is when they’ll be using your bird boxes).

Less-known Fact: Male birds are defensive of their mates and both males and females of their young. They may not tolerate other birds anywhere near. There are exceptions if you happen to have particularly good-natured bird residents, however! 

How Close Can Bird Boxes Be?

So, how close can bird boxes be, then? 60-80 feet apart is recommended, so that the birds can are free to come and go.

This will give them plenty of space to hang out in the tree and general area without troubling each other! Of course, this is not a strict rule.

Sometimes, birds can get along even when the bird boxes are much closer. Some will even tolerate bird boxes within a few feet of one another!

Can You Put Two Bird Boxes Together? 

Can you put two Bird boxes together?
Can you put birdboxes next to each other

If you have limited space, or out of simple curiosity, you may wonder if you can put a couple of bird boxes together.

You could always give it a shot. If you notice birds fighting (apparent by squawking and flapping and flying at each other), you may want to space them further, however! 

The Best Place to Put a Bird Box 

The location of your bird boxes will also play a role in how popular they are. For example, it’s recommended that you have your bird boxes facing North-East in the warmer months.

Otherwise, they’ll receive too much sunlight and overheat (alternately, facing West in the cold season is ideal). Next, you’ll need to ensure that the bird box is shielded from the reach and view of any predators.

You want your bird friends to be nice and secure in their home, after all!

Right Thing To Do: To ensure the safety of your bird residents, your bird boxes should be no lower than 10 feet. They should also be somewhere hidden, such as nestled away in tree branches or under your porch. As a bonus, this can also provide some shelter!

How to Choose a Bird Box – 4 Useful Tips

How to Choose a Bird Box
Best tips for choosing bird box

If you’d like to increase the chances you birdboxes getting used, there are a few steps that you can take to increase their appeal.

Tip 1 – The Size of the Hole/Door 

The ideal door size for a birdbox depends on the types of birds that you have around. If you’ve got smaller birds visiting, a 1-inch door may do the trick.

If you’ve got larger birds around, you may need a door as big as 3 inches, however! 

Tip 2 – The Interior

Some birds may appreciate a bird box that’s kept warm with straw, especially in the colder months. This can encourage them to get cozy and stick around.

Tip 3 – The Color

Bird boxes should blend into their environment, to help birds hide from predators. They are much more likely to visit a well-camouflaged bird box!

Tip 4 – A Bird Bath and/or Bird Feeder

Birds are much more likely to visit your yard if you’ve set up a bird feeder. Birds are always foraging for food, and well-stocked feeders usually become quite popular.

A birdbath will also be a much-appreciated source of clean water!

Should You Put a Bird Feeder Near a Nesting Box

A bird feeder can be a fantastic way to draw birds’ attention to your nesting boxes. You can try this one. This being said, the feeder is sure to draw a variety of feathered visitors.

This won’t allow for much privacy if the feeder is directly next to a bird box!

What To Do Instead: Try to space it as far away as you typically would another birdbox (60-80-feet).

Final Words

So, if you’ve been wondering, ‘how close can birdboxes be,’ you’ve got your answer!

To avoid territorial disputes, and encourage birds to take up residence in your bird boxes, spacing them 60-80 feet apart is ideal.

You can also encourage them to stick around with just a bit of know-how!

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