
  • Kelp Fertilizer – A Gardener’s Guide

    Kelp Fertilizer – A Gardener’s Guide

    These days, organic gardening and farming practices are becoming increasingly popular, and this means that gardeners need to find organic fertilizers. One such organic fertilizer is kelp seaweed! Here’s our comprehensive Gardener’s Guide to using kelp fertilizer in your garden.

  • How to Grow Organic Spirulina?

    How to Grow Organic Spirulina?

    Spirulina is a blue-green edible micro-algae that is about 0.025 cm that grows in a warm environment and is mainly produced for its nutrition value. The algae naturally grow in alkaline lakes rich in soda bicarbonate, salt, and a PH level of about ten; thus, when growing, you should consider these conditions for high production.…