Aeroponics is an alternative form of gardening in which you’re growing plants without soil. Unlike hydroponics or aquaponics, though, which use their own soilless methods, aeroponics leaves plants’ roots hanging in the air while they get a periodic misting of nutrients and water. It may sound complicated, but it’s easier than ever to start an aeroponics garden in your own home, especially with the ever-increasing accessibility of tools to help you start.
What Is Ultrasonic Fogger Aeroponics?
Sometimes just called fogponics, this unique way of growing plants is changing the way we garden. If you’re new to the idea, don’t worry. We will explain everything you need to know.
5 Best Grow Lights for Aeroponics
Grow lights get seedlings started indoors and extend the life of mature plants. Choosing the right one is critical!
Clones Not Rooting In Aeroponic Cloner (Common Causes & Solutions)
If you noticed that clones are not rooting in an aeroponic cloner, several reasons could bring to that. So let’s figure out together what’s your case.
How Often to Change Water in EZ Cloner
EZ Cloner needs to be clean, and we shouldn’t allow bacteria to appear. So here is how you can do it as well.
High Pressure vs Low-Pressure Aeroponics Compared
If you’re wondering what type of aeroponics system you should go for, this post will open your eyes.
What Temperature Water Should Aeroponics Be?
Aeroponics simply uses a spray to sustain growth. So you only need to pay attention to the temperature of the water. Here is how.
How to Feed Aeroponics -Aeroponics Nutrient Schedule
Here is a special way of feeding your plants. Learn more about how it works and what’s the right approach.