Succulents are cute and collectible plants that look just as beautiful indoors or out in the yard.
It’s hard to miss that cultivating succulents is becoming quite a trend.
If you are not sure where to start with owning a succulent, the small succulents offer a cost-effective way to have a go.

Small succulent plants are usually under $10, but there are a few factors that will affect the price.
This means you can see if they are the right plant for you and even start a collection of succulents.
In This Short Article – We’ll explain how much small succulents are including what affects the price and some great small succulent varieties that will leave you with change from a ten-dollar bill.
How much are small succulents?
One of the key reasons for the popularity of succulents is their low price relative to other plants.
They are readily propagated making it cheap for plant nurseries to grow and sell small succulents that you can grow on at home.
Factors that affect the price of a small succulent

As we mentioned above, it is very easy to find a small succulent plant for between $5 and $10.
No trouble at all!
But you could spend more for these key reasons:
- Buying rare or exotic succulent varieties: less common succulents are going to cost more, especially if they are imported or difficult to propagate or grow from seed. Varieties of the Horse’s Teeth Haworthia from South Africa are some of the most expensive succulents in the world, costing thousands of dollars.
- Purchasing from a premium nursery: succulents from a nursery are usually healthy and checked for disease and pests.
- The hardware your succulent comes with: nowadays, a big part of buying the succulent is the pot and accessories it comes with. Small succulents in decorative terracotta or macrame will cost a lot more than a basic plant in a plastic pot.
There are so many places where you can pick up a cheap small succulent
The more common varieties of succulents are widely available at dollar store prices.
You can find small potted succulents for sale in the following types of stores:
- Grocery stores and supermarkets
- Hardware stores
- Garden centers
- Plant nurseries
- Gift shops
- Farmer’s markets
- and of course, online!
Here are six cute succulents that you can buy for less than $10
Start your collection with these popular little succulents that are cheap and cheerful.
Echeveria Minima $7 to $10
These exquisite plants are the peonies of succulents with rosettes of pastel blue-green leaves with a pink blush at the tip.

They are a perfect gift or home decor accent and make a great alternative to a floral display.
Echeveria Minima stays small and is still under three inches in when it is fully grown.
With Echeveria Minima you have the added delight of pink and yellow bell-shaped flowers on stalks every spring.
As this succulent is non-toxic, you don’t have to worry about children or pets. Echeveria Minima enjoys partial sun and only requires occasional watering.
Zebra Plant (Haworthia) $3 to $5
This perky succulent is a popular ornamental because of the stripes of white bumps that adorn its short, tapering leaves.

It is very slow growing so, it will remain small, with a summer dormancy and new leave growth through the winter months.
The zebra plant does not require much water making it an ideal houseplant for a forgetful gardener.
It loves drainage so mix in a bit of sand with its potting soil.
Water your zebra plant succulents only when the soil is dry!
Living Stones (Lithops) $5
These colorful and quirky pebble-like plants hail from Namaqualand in South Africa.

Their unusual shapes will attract attention and in the fall you will get a display of gorgeous yellow or white flowers.
Living stones are non-toxic, which is great as youngsters will want to grab these plants that look like sweets.
Keep them up and out of reach in bright light and water infrequently.
Sempervivum Tectorum $3 to $5
The classic houseleek is a popular clustering succulent that adds character to any corner of your home.
It stays small, never exceeding three inches in height and diameter.

Sempervivum arranges its rich green leaves in a rosette pattern making it suitable for a vertical succulent garden or framed display where its pattern can be appreciated.
Sempervivums are hardy enough to brave the outdoors and can survive snow and frost.
Their one demand is decent drainage and being kept as dry as possible.
Little Missy (Sedum) $8 to $10
This is a pretty creeping succulent that will beautifully spill over a hanging basket. It has bright green and cream variegated leaves on thin stems.

They flower every summer with delicate pink blooms. Outdoors also spreads pleasantly over rocks or pebbles.
Little Missy favors partial sun, limited watering, and great drainage to look its best.
Baby Jade (Crassula Ovata) $5
A petite money plant could be the start of something big, as jade plants grow well and are very long-lived.

This jade will require considered pruning to maintain a compact size and shape but are otherwise easy-going with only infrequent watering required.
You can grow your jade indoors or out, but in bright sunlight, you can enjoy its leaves turning an intense red and its white star-shaped flowers.
Flower Dust Plant (Kalanchoe Pumila) $10
This is another classic succulent that is well-loved for its clustered silvery leaves and petite pink flowers that bloom between late winter and early spring.

They are a great outdoor plant for year-round interest and achieve a maximum height of 8 inches in height.
They are easy to look after, but good exposure to the sun is a priority.
They are frost sensitive so require protection through the winter month.
Rounding Up
As you can see, small succulents are cheap to buy, despite the wide variety of plants you can choose from.
Of course, your succulents can be even cheaper if you propagate a cutting from a friend!