Unfortunately, sometimes environmental conditions occur, whether by mistakes with care or through the course of nature, that cause issues with your plants. Although this shouldn’t become normal, it can happen, and it’s best to learn and prepare for it if it does. Environmental conditions include issues such as water overages or shortages, frost issues, temperature changes, too much or too little light, and more. As always, we’re here to help no matter what you’re dealing with!
How to Revive Your Rubber Plant: 6 Tips to Help Your Rubber Tree Thrive Again
Discover six common reasons why your rubber tree may not be growing, and learn expert tips to revive your plant’s growth. Our comprehensive guide offers practical solutions to issues with lighting, watering, drainage, humidity, temperature, and pruning.
Your Money Tree Lost All Its Leaves – Will It Sprout Again?
If your beloved money tree lost all its leaves, you must be worried if it can bounce back. Don’t fret; read on to find out the reasons and solutions to revive your money tree.
Why Is My Money Tree Dying? 5 Possible Reasons and Solutions
Worried about your dying money tree? Read on to discover five possible reasons and solutions to revive your precious plant!
My Guide on How to Revive a Dying Conifer
Explore our helpful guide on how to revive a dying conifer. If you are considering cutting your dying conifer down, there is hope that you can save your tree.
Orange Mushrooms In My Yard Should I Remove Them?
When you notice mushrooms growing in the wild, you’re probably conditioned not to go near them. Unless you’re an expert on what’s edible or not, it’s always best to stay clear. However, when they’re growing in your yard, you might be feeling a little uneasy – especially if you have children or pets.
What are Leggy Plants (How to Spot and How to Fix)
Plants are described as “leggy” if they have the following characteristics in their growth and appearance: spindly foliage, sparse leaves, tall, lean, and fragile and more.
What Temperature Will Kill a Palm Tree
We’ll explain what’s the ideal temperature for palm trees, along with some useful tips to keep palm trees healthy in cold temperatures. We’ll also discuss some palm tree species that can survive freezing temperatures.
Can Potted Evergreens Survive Cold Falls and Winters?
Potted evergreens can be particularly vulnerable in pots, as they don’t have the normal insulation they do from their roots being planted deep underground, but they certainly can survive cold falls and winters by following some steps to prepare your plant.
Is Your St Augustine Grass Turning Yellow? (This Maybe Why)
Despite being easy to grow and relatively low maintenance, there are some circumstances why your St Augustine grass may turn yellow. If you are noticing yellowing or browning of your St Augustine grass, we share the likely causes and how you can remedy them for a healthy lawn.
4 Signs Your Dahlia Tubers Are Dead
So what are the signs that your dahlia tubers are dead? And more importantly, how can you revive them? Read on for the answer.
Why Is My Elephant Ear Plant Dripping Water
Don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong – this is actually a common occurrence with these plants! Elephant ear plants drip for a few reasons, but the main idea is it helps the plant get rid of extra water and moisture.
Great Advice for Reviving Sunburnt Aloe Vera Plants
Even though they can heal you when you accidentally burn yourself, they can’t heal from being sunburnt without your help. Luckily there are ways that you can revive a sunburnt aloe vera plant.
How to Fix Drooping Plants (Bring Your Plant Back to Life)
Are you dealing with a droopy, saggy plant? Perk up your foliage with these simple steps.
Pencil Cactus Dying? (7 Reason Why and How To Save It)
Hey, don’t worry! Chances are pretty good that your Pencil cactus can be saved. Here is what we can do to revive it.
Top 7 Reasons Your Pond Plants Are Dying
There are lots of factors that directly affect your pond plants. Let’s look at 7 possible causes why your plants are dying off.
Can A Cactus Get Too Much Sun?
We all know that cactus needs a lot of sunlight, but how much is too much? Can a cactus get sunburn? And can cactus survive in the shade? Find out here.
Why Is My Rhubarb Wilting? (4 Best Solutions)
Are your rhubarb plants wilting, and you don’t know why? Read this article to get more insight on what causes rhubarb wilt and how you can fix it.
5 Reasons Why Your Bamboo Plant Is Dying
Is your bamboo plant in poor health? Here are our top 5 issues you´ll find with growing bamboo plants and some tips on how to keep your bamboo healthy and happy!
Why Are Basil Leaves Turning White?
Have you noticed your Basil leaves are not bright green anymore? Is it light, almost white? Let’s see why that is the case.
How to Save an Overwatered Succulent?
You can save overwatered succulent only if the damage is not severe. So what is the case with your plant? Let’s see together.
Why Are My Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow with Brown Spots?
Problem with Orchid leaves turning yellow with brown spots, could be either a fungal infection or too much water. Let’s find out which.
7 Problems You Might Face Growing Olive Trees in Pots
If you’re planning to grow olive trees in pots, chances are you’re going to face at least one of these problems. Here is how to deal with it.
Why Is My Romaine Lettuce Growing Tall?
While this is true, lettuce can hold some surprises for the unsuspecting gardener, which can cause beginner gardeners some concern.
Why Is My Catmint Floppy and How Do I Fix It?
Are you struggling with floppy catmint and don’t know what to do? Read this article for reasons your catmint may be flopping and how to correct the issue.
Why Are My Cilantro Stems Turning Purple?
Are you worried or curious why your plant is changing color? If yes, let’s find out why your Cilantro stems are turning purple?
Brown Spots on Bell Peppers: What Does It Mean?
Are you seeing brown spots on bell peppers? You’re probably wondering what it means and whether they make the fruit unsafe to eat.
Can You Overwater Parsley? Water Requirements
Here are all the details about the water requirements of parsley. Follow these quick tips, and you’ll always have green and healthy parsley for every meal.
Why Are My Peace Lily Flowers Turning Black or Brown?
Seeing brown or black on the flowers is your cue to know something is wrong. Here’s everything you need to know about the matter.
Why Are My Sage Leaves Turning Black?
For several reasons, your Sage leaves can turn black. I’m afraid there is only bad news, but read how you can prevent this from happening in the future.
Areca Palm Drooping – Here’s What to Do
If your Areca Palm is looking bad, it gives you warnings. Here is what you need to focus on and what you can do to save your plant.