Is your lawn suffering from lawn rust?
This unattractive disease can cause light, often orange (rust-colored) patches to show up on your lawn.
This can inhibit the growth of your lawn, not to mention its beauty.

Fortunately, when it comes to salvaging your lawn, a quality fungicide can be a real lifesaver!
Here are the top 5 – let’s take a look!
1 – BIOADVANCED 701270A Effective Fungicide
Key Features
- Comes in granules or spray
- Rainproof
- Treats up to 5,000-feet in total
Bioadvaced 701270A Effective Fungicide lives up to its name.
This top-notch fungicide absorbs into leaves, stems, and grass blades, to make them stronger and more able to withstand/outgrow fungicide.
This fungicide is effective against both rust, and brown patch, red thread, dollar spot, and more.
Simply connect the bottle to the hose, which naturally dilutes it with water, and offers a powerful, controlled spray.
This makes for quick-and-easy fungicide action and work!
2 – Bonide 811 Copper 4E Fungicide
Key Features
- Copper (low concentrate)
- Use with hose-end sprayer or tank
- Non-toxic (can even be used before the day of harvest)
- Keeps a variety of funcides under control
If you’ve found yourself troubled by lawn rust, Bonide 811 Copper 4E Fungicide can be a lifesaver!
It will tackle not only rust but also peach leaf curl, black spot, downy mildew, and other plant diseases.
This solution is also non-toxic, to the point where you can even use it right before harvest, Of course, you’d actually want to apply sooner to give it time to do its work!
One of the primary ingredients in Bonide 811 Copper 4E Fungicide is copper.
This denatures enzymes to kill pathogen cells (which cause plant diseases) while sparing your plants (it’s quite gentle, overall).
3 – Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide
Key Features
- 24-hour action (fast-acting)
- Prevents 26+diseases in total
- 5000-foot coverage (in one 10-pound back)
- Available in a two-pack
Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide does it all.
It prevents not only lawn rust, but also other common lawn diseases.
These include Red thread, brown patch, summer patch, stripe rust, stem rust, necrotic ring spot, summer patch, yellow patch, and more.
All that you need to do is sprinkle it on the lawn, preferably with a Scotts spreader or the like (this will make it a considerably easier task).
Within 24 hours, your grass should be showing signs of improvement.
What’s more, Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide stays effective for up to four weeks.
Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide is also pet and people-safe; so, you can still enjoy walking on your grass once it’s been treated.
It’s still not recommended to walk in lawn rust, as you’re likely to get yellow spores on you.
If you have lawn rust, this non-toxic fungicide should do the trick!
4 – Monterey LG3216 Fungi-Max
Key Features
- One application protects for up to 2 weeks
- For outdoor use
- Against variety of plant diseases (powdery mildew, leaf spot, Red thread…)
Monterey is a unique fungicide killer, in that it uses citrus as its main ingredient instead of copper.
It’s super-effective, preventing a variety of plant diseases. This includes not only rust but also powdery mildew.
It’s a natural disinfectant, and while it’s potent against plant pathogens and disease, it’s gentle on the plants themselves.
Monterey LG3216 Fungi-Max is also non-toxic, to where you could apply it just before harvest and still consume the harvest safely.
In the world of fungicides, it’s a real winner!
5 – Grower’s Ally Fungicide
Key Features
- One application lasts up to 2 weeks
- Prevents a variety of diseases (along with rust)
- Easy to apply with spray tank (bought separately)
Monterey LG3216 Fungi-Max is one of the best fungicides out there.
It prevents not only lawn rust, but countless other lawn diseases.
These include copper spot, dollar spot, leaf smuts, crown rust, anthracnose, powdery mildews, and more!
To apply, you simply dilute the concentrated fungicide as directed, and use a spray tank (purchased separately).
How to Tell Your Lawn Has Rust (What Does Lawn Rust Look Like?)
Lawn rust appears as yellow-orange to orange-brown patches from afar.
Up close, you can see the individual pustules expressed by this fungi.
If your lawn has rust, sections of your lawn may also look comparatively lighter.

What’s more, if you were to walk through a rusty section of grass, you would most likely find your feet powdered with yellow.
These are spores, they are what fungi use to spread further!
Why Is Rust Harmful?
So, why is rust undesirable, aside from its unattractive nature?
Because it will inhibit the growth of your lawn, blocking out much of the sunlight (which is needed to create chlorophyll).
How to Get Rid of Lawn Rust on My Lawn?
So, how do you get rid of rust on your lawn?
See below!
Plenty of Fresh Air
Like most kinds of fungi, rust appreciates poor airflow.
This allows the humid conditions required for rust to develop.
In turn, you can help decrease and even eliminate rust by ensuring good airflow.
For Example: Moving the lawn (which opens space for more airflow) can help keep fungi in check!
Sunlight (Avoid Shade)
Lawn Rust loves the shade, as this helps to promote the humid conditions that lawn rust – and other lawn diseases – desire.
Alternately, the sunlight will help any excess humidity evaporate, thereby helping to eliminate the risk!
Of course, the shaded parts of your lawn don’t have to get rusty – that’s what fungicide is for!
Mow Frequently
As briefly touched on above, you can greatly help reduce rust by mowing your lawn regularly.

Long grass can create a fungi-friendly environment; conversely, when it comes to decreasing rust, keeping your lawn short and arid will do the trick!
Fungicide is a formula specially made to get rid of not only lawn rust, but often other fungal diseases as well.
Fungicide is one of the top ways to get rid of:
- lawn rust
- powdery mildew
- red thread
- brown patch
- summer patch
- and more
Fungicides can be administered in a couple of ways; some come with pour caps, while others may require the separate purchase of a spreader!
Nitrogen Fertilizer
Nitrogen fertilizer is a great way to help fend off/prevent lawn rust.
This is because it strengthens the roots, stems, and leaves of grass, allowing them to outgrow the rust (the rust simply will not be able to keep up).
Your best bet is a combination of nitrogen fertilizer and fungicide lawn rust remover!
Why Fungicide is the Best Way to Treat Lawn Rust
Sure, there are things more potent than fungicide, but they’re often toxic.

Fungicide is generally your best bet, once your lawn has developed rust.
Keep In Mind: Rust doesn’t always go away by itself. To prevent it from spreading, you’ll want to tackle rust with the fungicide of your choice ASAP.
Fungicide – What to Look For
As with any product, not all fungicides are made the same.
To find a top-quality fungicide, here are some of the main things you’ll want to consider!
The best fungicides will tackle not only rust but a variety of other diseases as well.
For instance, some fungicides can tackle red thread, powdery mildew, brown patch, summer patch, stripe rust, stem rust, you name it.
Good Coverage
Any lawn rust remover worth its salt should cover at least 5000-feet of lawn.
With great coverage, you won’t have to leave any patches without the fungicide.
This will help ensure that it doesn’t try to simply spread further!
If you can help it, you’ll want the fungicide you choose to be non-toxic.
This means that, even once it’s been applied, you and guests, children, pets, etc. can walk freely on the grass, still.
Most will specify whether or not you can walk on the lawn shortly after!
Hose Applicator or Fungicide Spreader

There are a couple of key ways that fungicide is distributed over the lawn:
- a hose applicator
- and a spreader
As its name implies, it comes with a nozzle that connects directly to your hose.
From Here: You can spray the diluted solution over your lawn – it couldn’t be easier. A spreader, on the other hand, sprinkles the fungicide evenly for you, but must usually be purchased separately. Both can do the trick!
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it: the top 5 fungicides on the market right now.
With one of these, you can have your lawn looking and feeling better than ever.
Any of these top-rated fungicides should do the trick!