Wildlife Control

Wildlife control is about more than just prevention, just like wildlife is about more than just pests. While you certainly want to prevent and treat pests, you also want to attract and manage beneficial insects and wildlife as well. You can even turn your garden into a butterfly garden, for example! There’s a lot to know here, but we’ve got you covered. So, feel free to dig in!

  • What Is A Bee-Friendly Garden (And Why Consider One)?

    What Is A Bee-Friendly Garden (And Why Consider One)?

    I have been a lover of bees for many years now. During this time, I’ve done a lot of research on why these little critters are essential. One of the things that really stood out to me was how I could do my bit to help bees by creating a bee-friendly garden. So, what is…

  • What Is A Butterfly Feeder (And Why Consider One)?

    What Is A Butterfly Feeder (And Why Consider One)?

    I love getting up close and personal with nature, and one of the best ways to do that is by inviting wildlife into your backyard. Butterfly feeders are a great choice when you’re looking to attract these pollinating insects, but what exactly is a butterfly feeder?

  • 4 Best Butterfly Feeders For Your Garden (And Why)

    4 Best Butterfly Feeders For Your Garden (And Why)

    Butterfly feeders provide butterflies with a reliable source of food. They also attract more butterflies to your garden, which pollinates your plants. To help you, here are the four best butterfly feeders for your garden.

  • Why Do Bees Sting?

    Why Do Bees Sting?

    Many people run away in horror when confronted with a bee. We know these insects can sting, and I understand that nobody wants to be on the receiving end. But if we can understand why bees sting, we can better avoid being their target. So, why do bees sting?

  • Why Are Bees Important (And Why Should You Care)?

    Why Are Bees Important (And Why Should You Care)?

    If you’ve paid attention to conservation reports in the news or on social media, you may have heard people talking about the importance of bees. But this leaves many people confused; how can such a small, seemingly insignificant creature play such an important role? Just why are bees so important (and why should you care)?

  • 6 Best Ways To Attract Bees To Your Garden

    6 Best Ways To Attract Bees To Your Garden

    For the last couple of years, I’ve been trying to attract more pollinators to my garden, particularly bees. In fact, it’s great to do so. So, what are the best ways to attract bees to your garden?

  • Can You Touch Bees?

    Can You Touch Bees?

    Most people are aware of the fact that bees sting; well, at least some species do. But I know many people think bees are adorable (I’m one of them), so the temptation to touch one is genuine, but can you touch bees?

  • 6 Best Pollinators For Your Garden (And How To Attract Them)

    6 Best Pollinators For Your Garden (And How To Attract Them)

    Pollinators are vital. They ensure the successful reproduction of a massive amount of our crop species and thousands of wildflowers. If you want to make your garden thrive, then attracting pollinators is one of the best ways to do this. But just what are the best pollinators for your garden?