Elephant ear plants are beautiful and unique additions to any garden, but some gardeners may be wondering why their elephant ear is dripping water.
Don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong – this is actually a common occurrence with these plants!
Elephant ear plants drip for a few reasons, but the main idea is it helps the plant get rid of extra water and moisture.
What Is an Elephant Ear Plant
Elephant ear plants, also known as Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma, are tropical perennial plants that are known for their large, heart-shaped leaves.
These plants are native to Southeast Asia and typically grow in humid, shady areas.
There are many different species of elephant ear plants, but the most popular one is the Alocasia amazonica, also known as the African mask plant or Amazon lily.

Did You Know? This plant can grow up to 6 feet tall and its leaves can get up to 3 feet wide!
The elephant ear plant gets its name from its large, ear-shaped leaves.
These leaves are what make the plant so unique and interesting to look at. The leaves are usually green, but some species can have leaves that are purple, red, or even yellow.
Why Do Elephant Ear Plants Drip
Dripping water isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Water drips from elephant ear plants as a response to too much water, whether it’s in the pot or in the air.
This response to water lessens the risk of the plant’s roots rotting, which reduces the likeliness that your plant will die.
Your elephant ear plant may be dripping water because you are giving it too much water.
When the plant is getting too much water, it will start to drip water from its leaves in order to get rid of the excess moisture.
Elephant ear plants are tropical plants, which means they like humid conditions.

When the air is too dry, the plant will start to drip water from its leaves.
This is the plant’s way of increasing the humidity around it and preventing the leaves from drying out.
The temperature can have a big impact on how much water your elephant ear plant drips.
If the air is too hot, it will start sweating and using its leaves as an effective cooling system by releasing moisture from its surface to keep itself at bay while still remaining in control throughout this whole process!
On the Other Hand – If the temperature is too cold, the plant will also start to drip water from its leaves. This is the plant’s way of preventing the inside of the leaves from freezing.
Light can also affect how much water drips from your elephant ear plant.
If your plant isn’t getting enough light, the plant won’t work as hard, and it will use less water for photosynthesis.
When your plant is using less water, more water is going to sit in the pot.
And since elephant ear plants don’t like excess water, they will drip water from the leaves to make room and draw water up from the plant.
How to Stop Elephant Ear Plants from Dripping Water

While dripping water is normal for an elephant ear plant, it may not be desirable.
The dripping water can ruin finishes on tables, mantles, windowsills, or floors, depending on where you put your plant.
There are a few things you can do to stop your elephant ear plant from dripping water.
- Make sure the plant is getting enough light. If the plant is getting too much light, move it to a shady spot.
- Use a thermometer in the area your elephant ear plant is in. If it’s too hot, move the plant to a cooler spot. If it’s too cold, move the plant to a warmer spot.
- Make sure you’re not overwatering the plant. Water the plant only when the soil is dry to the touch.
- Increase the humidity around the plant by misting it with water or placing a humidifier near it.
The key to stopping the dripping is to care for your elephant ear plant properly. This should help clear up what is too much and what isn’t enough.
Elephant ear plants love being in bright, indirect light.
Somewhere near a window or back door is a great spot for an elephant ear plant as long as the beautiful sunlight doesn’t shine directly on the plant any time of day.
These plants don’t like to be thoroughly soaked in water.
The best way to water elephant ear plants is to use a bottom watering method, and only once the soil is dry to the touch.

Elephant ear plants don’t need a lot of fertilizer.
If you start noticing yellowing on the leaves, you should add a slow-release fertilizer with a 1:1:1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Elephant ear plants are tropical plants that love warm temperatures.
The ideal temperature should be between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
At Night – Make sure your elephant ear plant is kept somewhere that doesn’t drop below 60 degrees.
Final Thoughts
If your elephant ear plant is dripping water, don’t worry!
This is perfectly normal behavior for the plant.
Just make sure you’re not overwatering it and that the temperature and light conditions are ideal.
With proper care, your elephant ear plant will thrive.