10 Perfect Plants for Pallet Gardens


Gardening with pallets is all the rage right now.

From vegetables and herbs to annuals and succulents, a pallet garden is adorned with gorgeous plants, making it both ingenious and beautiful.

It saves a lot of space and lets you have a lot of plants and flowers within a small area.

One of the most rewarding elements of growing your plants, mainly veggies, is knowing that you are producing pesticide-free, high-nutrient food.

Many people have come to learn that store-bought veggies aren’t as nutritious as what you can grow in your own garden.

So, here are 10 suggestions for plants to grow in your pallet garden.

Grow These 10 Plants in Your Pallet Garden

Plants for pallet gardening
Pallet gardening plants

Pallet gardens are ideal for any plant that grows upwards and has a shallow root system.

All of the plants listed below would make good plants for your pallet garden.

1. Basil

Basil is a fragrant, adaptable, and widely used herb.

This warm-weather plant is tasty and simple to grow. It’s also a delicious complement to various gourmet dishes, and it’s almost synonymous with summer salads and pasta.

Additionally, Basil is an annual plant. It’s also a fast-growing herb, taking only 3 to 4 weeks from seed to harvest. Therefore, it’s a rewarding herb to cultivate in your pallet garden.

In most cases, the plant will last for four months, which gives you plenty of time to enjoy it.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries are one of the most popular little fruits in home gardens for a good reason.

The fresh and juicy fruit brings back summer memories. So, why not grow these delicious berries in your pallet garden as well?

Moreover, strawberries may be grown in any climate zone. They’re also simple to plant and can fit into tiny spaces or fill large garden plots.

Even Better: Strawberry cultivation doesn’t necessitate the use of any special equipment. As a result, they’re an excellent option for pallet gardening.

3. Aloe Vera

One of the most rewarding succulent plants to grow in your pallet garden is aloe vera.

It features a unique texture and shape and has medicinal properties. You can also use it to treat minor burns or abrasions on the skin.

Aloe vera in pallet gardens
Succulents & pallet gardening

The plant’s leaves are thick and fleshy, ranging from green to grey-green. Some leaf types have a variegated appearance with white spots, and the majority of the leaves part along the edges.

And the flowers bloom on a 35-inch-tall spike during the summer. Also, the color of the flowering end of the spike ranges from yellow to coral peach.

4. Tomatoes

Nothing compares to the delicious taste of a fresh, ripe red tomato from the garden.

Tomatoes can be grown in a pallet garden in a couple of different ways. They can be grown in the ground or in a large container with a trellis.

Try This: Another method is building a pallet garden support structure and placing the tomatoes in between the spaces in the pallet.

5. Lettuce

Lettuce is a cool-season crop that thrives in mild temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night.

There are several varieties of lettuce, all of which share the scientific name Lactuca Sativa.

This plant’s health benefits are mostly due to its nutrient concentration. And the leafy vegetable is well-known for serving as the foundation for salads.

Generally, lettuce is considered safe to eat by the majority of people.

This is because it isn’t a well-known allergen. When it comes to pallet gardens lettuce is a natural choice.

6. Eggplants

In terms of nutritional value, the eggplant is a great fruit.

Eggplants in pallet gardens
Eggplants for pallet gardens

This gleaming veggie is packed in antioxidants and a host of other nutrients. Additionally, it’s supposed to help with everything from heart health to digestion.

Pallet gardening is suitable for smaller varieties of eggplants, such as Hansel Hybrid.

In addition, slenderer fruits are found in a few Japanese eggplant varieties.

7. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are low-maintenance plants that thrive in the sun and water.

They grow very fast if consistently watered and kept warm. Just don’t let them get too big before picking them, or they’ll be bitter.

Furthermore, cucumbers aren’t only delicious, but they also make a terrific summer facial for toning the skin when mashed in a blender.

8. Bush Beans

Unlike pole beans, bush beans don’t require any form of support to keep erect.

Therefore, as they reach a height of a few feet, they need less space, making them ideal for a pallet garden.

As they mature, their sturdy stems reach a maximum height of around two feet and take on a bushy look.

Furthermore, they produce beans in a shorter time, so they can be harvested in approximately 50 to 55 days.

Bush beans are excellent for pallet gardens and northern climes due to their modest stature and short growing season.

9. Chantenay Carrots

Chantenay carrots are a short, husky kind with a sweet flavor and a striking orange color.

Chantenay carrots in pallet gardens
Chantenay carrots

Their tapering triangular roots only reach a length of 4 inches, making them ideal for growing in thick soils. And they thrive in raised beds or soil that’s loose and well-drained.

For sweeter and brighter carrots, make sure to feed and water them regularly.

Moreover, the Chantenay carrot is especially ideal for pallet gardening because it takes up little space.

10. Peppers

Peppers exist in various sizes, shapes, and colors, and their heat levels range from mild to scorching.

So, pick a sweet pepper, a hot pepper, and maybe one or two in between when growing peppers in your pallet garden.

In addition, they come in various colors and heat levels, ranging from mild banana peppers to the viciously strong Carolina reaper hot pepper.

Overall, peppers are a great way to add flavor and variety to the other vegetables you grow in your garden.

Final Thoughts

Overall, these are 10 different plants that are perfect for pallet gardens.

You can plant them in a small space, even if you have to grow vertically because of your containers.

And you can choose the plants you want to grow by considering the climate in your area and the benefits you’re looking to get out of the plant.

If you’re looking for a new hobby and would love to start growing plants in pallets or indoors. Check out this awesome blog post we found called ‘ The complete Hobby guide to growing plants ‘

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