How to Choose the Best Fertilizer for Brussel Sprouts


Brussel sprouts are hardy vegetables that grow slowly, which does mean you need to take care of them and ensure they have the right nutrients to keep growing correctly.

So, you need to choose the right fertilizer to keep them happy.

Brussel sprouts have some particular needs for their fertilizers, so how do you pick the right one?

Brussel sprouts need fertilizers that have a high nitrogen level for them to grow correctly. They also require a higher level of boron in the soil than other vegetable plants, so when you are looking for fertilizers, ensure they have these two minerals to keep your Brussel sprouts happy.

What are the best fertilizers that are made explicitly for Brussel sprouts?

When should you feed and water your Brussel sprouts?

When and how do your harvest Brussel sprouts?

Let us find out!

How to Pick the Best Brussel Sprouts Fertilizer

When growing your own Brussel sprouts, you must choose the right fertilizer to use as Brussel sprouts have some unique requirements that need to be met for them to grow correctly and produce good-quality produce.

Brussel sprouts plants
Fertilize Brussel sprouts

When looking for a fertilizer for your Brussel sprouts, you need to look for a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, as Brussel sprouts require more nitrogen to grow strong and healthy and produce good-quality produce.

The fertilizer also needs to have a good amount of boron as Brussel sprouts need more boron than most other vegetable plants.

Without the boron, the Brussel sprouts will develop hollow stems and may not be able to keep themselves up, and the plant will only produce tiny Brussel sprout buds that are low in nutrients.

The Best Brussel Sprout Fertilizer Options

Knowing what ingredients need to be in fertilizers to help Brussel sprouts stay and grow healthy, we can now look at what fertilizers are on the market that matches these criteria.

Below is a list of some excellent fertilizers for Brussel sprouts that you can try.

They are all organic and safe to use for food for human consumption.

They are made specifically to help support Brussel sprouts and other vegetables, so you get better quality produce and a larger harvest from your plants.

Miracle-Gro Shake’ N Feed

This fertilizer is a great fertilizer for Brussel sprouts.

It helps provide a continuous supply of micronutrients that help the Brussel sprouts grow and produce healthy and strong Brussel sprouts as a larger harvest.

This lovely fertilizer contains natural ingredients that are safe to grow food in for human consumption.

These ingredients can last up to three months in the soil, allowing you peace of mind knowing your Brussel sprouts have what they need to produce healthy vegetables.

A good selling point for this fertilizer is that it can be used for both pot planting and in-ground planting, so wherever you plant your Brussel sprouts, you can use this fertilizer.

Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food

If you are looking for a good-quality, all-around fertilizer option for your Brussel sprouts, then this All-Purpose Plant food is the one for you.

This fertilizers one of the best options for your Brussel sprouts as it consists of organic ingredients, making it safe to grow food in, and it provides the perfect balance of nutrients that Brussel sprouts need to survive.

Miracle-Gro instantly feeds you Brussel sprouts, whereas other fertilizers need time to soak into the soil first.

It does need to be applied more than others as you need to apply it to your garden’s soil every two weeks because this fertilizer is not just for vegetables, so your other garden plants will use it too.

Osmocote Flower & Vegetable Plant Food

This fertilizer is an excellent Brussel sprout fertilizer as it helps promote vigorous growth and root development in the plant that will help increase the number of Brussel sprouts the plant can grow at one time.

Osmocote is an excellent fertilizer to have at it stays viable in the soil for up to 4 months, so you can rest assured that your Brussel sprouts are getting the nutrients they need to grow well, even if you do not have the time to fertilize them regularly.

Old Farmers Almanac Vegetable Fertilizer

Old Farmers Almanac Vegetable fertilizer is a granular fertilizer explicitly made for growing organic Brussel sprouts and other vegetables that are safe to eat and contain the maximum amount of nutrients to ensure you get a good vegetable.

This fertilizer is excellent value for money as one bag can cover 250 square feet, and it can last up to about eight weeks in the soil.

Old Farmers Almanac also comes in a resealable bag for easy storage. This fertilizer has a mixture of slow and quick-release ingredients to help ensure your Brussel sprouts have strong roots and good vegetable growth over time.

When to Feed And Water Brussel Sprouts

For Brussel sprouts, you need to water them with a lot of water infrequently rather than watering them in small amounts every day, which will only encourage the Brussel sprouts roots to grow near the soils surface instead of deep, making the plant weak.

You must monitor the Brussel sprouts soil, especially during the growing season, as the plant likes moist, cool soil. If the soil by your Brussel sprouts begins to dry out, then it is time to water the plants again.

Brussel sprouts tend to use more nutrients than most other vegetable plants, so you will need to feed them with fertilizers at least once a month.

However, if you use a fertilizer specifically made for Brussel sprouts, you can feed them less as the fertilizers will stay in the soil for longer.

The Best Growing Conditions for Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts grow best in fertile soil that is well-draining and moist and filled with plenty of organic matter.

The optimum soil pH for Brussel sprouts to grow in is around 6.8, which will also discourage the plant from developing clubroot disease.

You should test the pH level of your garden’s soil by doing a soil test that you can get at any gardening store.

Brussel sprouts grow best in moist, cool soil, in a location where they will get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

For Best Results: you should plant your Brussel sprouts between 18 and 24 inches apart to allow each plant space to grow.

When and How to Harvest Brussel Sprout

Your Brussel sprouts should be ready to harvest in about 85 to 95 days after you have set the plants out.

Choosing fertilizer for Brussel sprouts
Growing Brussel sprouts

It is best to harvest the Brussel sprouts after the first or second light frost as this is when they will taste the best.

To harvest your Brussel sprouts, you need to start from the bottom of the stalk and work your way up.

But ensure that you harvest all of the Sprouts when the plant leaves begin to turn yellow.

Otherwise, they will over mature and lose their tenderness.


Brussel sprouts are one of the easier vegetables to look after and grow.

They do not require much care, but you must ensure you give them the right fertilizer to keep them happy and growing healthy.

As long as the fertilizer you choose has a high nitrogen content and some boron, your Brussel sprouts will be happy.

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